420 dating sites

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We greatly appreciate your desire to return to an active status on our site. The cost: is free to use and download. Afterwards the app will push you to subscribe to continue. We are going to keep adding 420 dating sites as well to ring to make 420 Singles a great App. April 20th has become a counter-culture holiday where friends in US cities gather in groups to celebrate 420-friendly events, parties and festivals. If it is your choice not reinstate your membership at this time, please click the Cancel button to tout to the Login page. Why it works: Setting up a profile is pretty easy. There are plenty of myths and rumors on the origin of 420, such as: 420 is a California police dispatch code for smoking pot which is untrue.

As a dating expert originally from the West Coast of Canada, this question comes up often. So let's jump in as to why this appears in parts of the world and not others, what it means, and why it might be important to you. What Does '420 Friendly' Mean in a Dating Profile? Why Do People Use '420 Friendly'? Originally it was used as code amongst marijuana smokers. Today, it's prevalent with pretty much anyone who uses marijuana, although more so in North America. There are even 420 dating sites catering to people with this interest. Isn't Marijuana Use Illegal? Why Would Someone Want To Share They're 420 Friendly? I'm not going to get into the ethics or legal aspects of marijuana use, as there are others with infinitely more expertise in the field than I. See: What Does 420 Mean? What I will say however is this: marijuana use, like smoking, drinking, religion, children, and politics, are all deal-breaking topics for many singles. Whether you live in an area where marijuana is legal or not, it's eventually a discussion many of us will have at some point in time - again, depending on where you live, sometimes it's a conversation that will occur more than others. For instance, when I travel to Europe, for instance see: Dating in Ireland for more on this topic , the question of marijuana use and dating rarely comes up. Yet when I'm in my hometown of Vancouver, Canada, it's rare to see a dating profile where '420 friendly' isn't mentioned in some way. For some, it's a non-issue. I've talked to many who don't see smoking marijuana as a problem, or who would rather date a person who already approves of their choice. In my neck of the woods, '420' commonly appears in dating site profiles, and I've had quite a few folks tell me they're uninterested in dating unless their potential partner is a pot smoker, activist, or at the very least, tolerant of its occasional use. What do you think, dear readers? Is smoking marijuana a deal breaker for you? Do you mention anything 420-related in your online dating profile? Does it matter to you if your date is open to marijuana use, or dead set against it? Reach out on or and let me know your thoughts.

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